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About Us

Helem Yumba is a Healing Centre that provides a range of therapeutic supports to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are dealing with family and/or domestic violence within its many forms and complexities.  As such Helem Yumba helps and supports:

  • those who use violence to control, intimidate and hurt others to change their violent behaviours;

  • those who are hurt and/or are traumatised by the violence; and

  • those who witness the violence, e.g., children.

Our goal is to support our people with recovery, reconnection and reinstating an individuals spirituality and culture by understanding their realities and facilitating their aspirations.

These are achieved through a service delivery that is confidential and respectful and is underpinned by strength based practices.

Our Vision

Our mob, are proud, strong & connected.

We chose our own way.

Our Purpose

To be a place of Healing for our people.

Our Goals

  • Recovery through therapy

  • Reconnecting through spiritual and cultural healing

  • Reinstating through acts of advocacy and support

Service delivery is facilitated by a range of therapeutic prevention and intervention programs, all of which are uphold Indigenous values and protocols and, most importantly, are compatible with the ways in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people prefer to interact and engage.

Our programs are designed to acknowledge and respect mens business, women’s business, family business and community business.

Our Mission


In our way, our Elders provided the authority. we knew our responsibilities and our roles in our communities and families as providers, protectors and nurtures of children. Ceremony helped to keep us connected to our spiritual and ancestral lore and to maintain the social order.


Our way of life was based on cooperation not senseless violence and wrong doing. We had no need for policemen, prisons or centralised law enforcement bodies. The community as a whole was more likely to be involved in stopping violence within our communities and within our families. Our way was our strength.


So in 2002, knowing our way was our strength, community members came together for two days of talking about ways to stop the violence in families that was seen to becoming 'too much'. All agreed that colonisation and unresolved grief and hurt was the root cause of the violence and that stopping the violence should become community business. Funding was found and healing services commenced.

Our Identity (what our logo means)

The fruit and the leaves of the rare Gumbi Gumbi tree, found only in Central Queensland, is Helem Yumba’s symbol for healing. 

Gumbi Gumbi not only supports healing, the seeds from the 
tree can be pounded into flour and the gum from the branches 
can be eaten. It not only has the power to heal it also sustains life. 

Board of Directors

Helem Yumba is incorporated through the Queensland’s Associations Incorporation Act 1981.


The Helem Yumba Governance Committee comprises nine Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, six of whom represent the three target areas of Mount Morgan, Woorabinda and Rockhampton. (two per target area) as well three members who are co-opted for periods of three years (which is the sitting term of Governance Committee members) and which represent stakeholder groups with whom Helem Yumba works collaboratively to progress the strategic direction of the organisation

Human Service Quality Framework

The standards have been developed to include the core components of quality standards used in disability, child safety, community and community care services and are based on the following principles.

Respecting human rights — services are planned and delivered in a manner that respects the individual’s human rights, in keeping with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Social inclusion — services are planned and delivered to promote opportunities for people to be included in their community.

Participation — people using services are included in decision making about the service they receive.

Choice — people using services are provided with the opportunity for choice regarding the service they receive and where and how they receive it, within available resources.

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